Piotnet Forms is Highly Customizable a WordPress Form Builder. Piotnet Forms helps you build Forms in few minutes, not spending hours. We offer many tools and features for you to create your most amazing form. It is no matter if you want to build Contact collecting form, Registration form, Survey form, Newsletter form, Payment form, Email marketing form or Customers demanding form.


Repeater Fields Multi-Level

It allows users to add multiple additional fields, which is very useful when users have the choice to fill multiple fields while giving information about several things so in that case, they can just add fields on their own.

Woocommerce Integration

Piotnet Forms allows you to create a completely customizable Woocommerce checkout form using the form editor, also you can display dynamic pricing value on that page.

Booking Appointment

Although this is not going to be a full-fledged booking tool like Calendly or Amelia still it has some very useful features if you want to receive bookings for your services or meeting.

Register, Login, Edit Profile

You can use Piotnet to build a custom registration and login form for your users, it is very helpful if you don’t like the default registration and login forms.

Form Abandonment

You can see the details of the people who attempted to fill up the form but didn’t submit it, it can be useful to understand if you should improve your front-end form by asking for less possible information.

Signature Field

Man! I love this feature, when you are creating a proposal or contract then you can ask for a few pieces of information along with the signature which could protect you from any legal disputes in the future.

Preview Submission

This feature allows users to see the submitted information that they have submitted through the form.

Image Select Field

This feature allows us to add visual images to the form to select from so that people can select an option from the multiple-image options after looking at the images which makes the form more interactive by improving the user experience.

Distance Calculation

This feature automatically calculates the distance from point A to point B. It’s helpful if you want to create a form for something like a car rental business, so the customers can easily get the live cost quotation to book the car for a particular distance.

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Original price was: $40.00.Current price is: $1.99.

Piotnet Forms WordPress Form Builder - v2.1.13 | 16 Nov 2023
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