Download Monitor Amazon S3 add-on allows you to use non-public Amazon S3 links for Download Monitor files. Just install the plugin, add your Amazon AWS access keys and this extension will do the rest. Please note that you need to install Download Monitor plugin to use this add-on.

About Download Monitor Amazon S3

Download Monitor Amazon S3 is a premium extension for the Download Monitor WordPress plugin, which offers seamless integration between Amazon S3 and Download Monitor. This powerful tool allows the user to store files on Amazon S3, a highly secure and scalable file storage service, as opposed to hosting them on a server.

The extension offers robust features such as bucket and folder management, dynamic links, and automatic file syncing. It also provides easy access to usage stats for each file hosted on Amazon S3. With Download Monitor Amazon S, users can now offer high-speed downloads, free up server space, and ensure data security with ease.

Features of Download Monitor Amazon S3

– Allows you to store your digital products on Amazon S3
– Enables you to securely deliver your files through a unique, expiring download link
– Generates private access keys for you to grant download access to your customers
– Monitors all downloads and provides detailed download logs and analytics
– Integrates with popular WordPress membership and e-commerce plugins
– Supports the use of multiple Amazon S3 accounts
– Provides automatic retry attempts for failed downloads
– Enables you to customize download notifications and confirmations
– Allows you to limit the number of downloads per user and add password protection to download pages.

Benefits of using Download Monitor Amazon S3

Using the ‘Download Monitor Amazon S3’ extension for your WordPress website offers numerous benefits. This product provides efficient and easy transfer of digital files as it integrates your website with the Amazon Web Services (AWS) cloud storage system. This ensures that your downloads are faster and more reliable.

Moreover, the extension allows you to organize and manage your digital downloads effortlessly. You can keep track of the number of downloads, generate reports, and gain insights into user behavior. This can help you understand your audience better and make informed decisions regarding your downloads.

Another advantage of using ‘Download Monitor Amazon S3’ is that it offers enhanced security for your digital files. The extension encrypts your files with a unique key, ensuring that they are not accessible to unauthorized users. This ensures that your files are protected from theft, hacking, or other malicious activities.

Overall, the ‘Download Monitor Amazon S3’ extension is a valuable addition to your website, as it offers faster downloads, improved organization and management, and enhanced security for your digital files.

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Original price was: $99.00.Current price is: $1.99.

Download Monitor Amazon S3 - v4.0.11 | 10 July 2023
  • 100% Original verified products
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Last Update:8 July 2024
Relased:6 May 2023
Brands Download Monitor
License GPL License
Version 4.0.11
Tags: Amazon S3 , download , Download Monitor Amazon S3 , WordPress Plugin ,