Dokan Multivendor Marketplace WordPress Plugin is a versatile e-commerce solution that transforms your WordPress website into a dynamic multi-vendor platform.

This plugin empowers you to create a thriving online marketplace where vendors can manage their own stores, products, and customers. With features like customizable storefronts, intuitive product management, order processing, and a comprehensive commission system, Dokan simplifies the process of establishing and running a successful multi-vendor marketplace.

Designed to transform your standard WordPress website into a dynamic and feature-rich online marketplace, Dokan offers a plethora of functionalities that enable you to create a multi-vendor platform that caters to a wide range of businesses and customers.

1. Introduction

Imagine a scenario where you can bring together multiple vendors under a single roof, each managing their own storefronts, products, and customers. This is the essence of Dokan Multivendor Marketplace Plugin. Developed by weDevs, Dokan is a comprehensive solution that allows you to create a fully functional multi-vendor e-commerce platform without the need for extensive technical knowledge. Whether you’re an entrepreneur looking to launch your own marketplace or an established business seeking to expand your online presence, Dokan offers the tools you need to achieve your goals.

2. Key Features and Functionalities

Plugin comes equipped with a wide array of features that empower both administrators and vendors to efficiently manage their respective roles within the marketplace.

  • Vendor Storefronts: With plugin, each vendor gets their own storefront, complete with customizable layouts, branding, and product listings. Vendors have the autonomy to manage their stores, add products, and establish their unique brand identity.
  • Product Management: Vendors can easily add, edit, and manage their products through an intuitive dashboard. From product descriptions and pricing to images and inventory management, Dokan simplifies the process for vendors, ensuring a seamless experience.
  • Order and Shipping Management: The plugin offers a streamlined order management system, allowing vendors to process orders from their dashboard. Additionally, Dokan integrates with popular shipping methods, providing flexibility and convenience for vendors and customers alike.
  • Commission System: The plugin provides a comprehensive commission system that enables administrators to set commission rates for vendors. This incentivizes vendors to thrive while generating revenue for the marketplace owner.
  • Extensive Payment Options: The plugin supports various payment gateways, allowing vendors to receive payments seamlessly. With multiple options available, vendors and customers can choose their preferred payment methods.

3. Seamless Integration with WordPress Ecosystem

One of the remarkable aspects of Dokan Multivendor Marketplace Plugin is its seamless integration with the broader WordPress ecosystem. As a WordPress plugin, Dokan effortlessly integrates with your existing WordPress website, enabling you to maintain a consistent design and user experience. This integration also means that you can leverage the plethora of additional plugins and themes available within the WordPress community, further enhancing the functionality and aesthetics of your marketplace.

4. Flexibility and Scalability

Whether you’re starting small or aiming for rapid expansion, Dokan caters to businesses of all sizes. Its modular approach allows you to activate and deactivate features based on your specific requirements. As your marketplace grows, Dokan’s scalability ensures that it can accommodate an increasing number of vendors and products without compromising performance.

In conclusion

The Dokan Multivendor Marketplace WordPress Plugin serves as a potent tool for individuals and businesses looking to establish a dynamic online marketplace. Its robust features, seamless integration with WordPress, and scalability make it a standout choice in the realm of e-commerce solutions. By leveraging Dokan, you can unlock the potential of multi-vendor selling, providing a rewarding experience for vendors and customers alike. Whether you’re venturing into the world of e-commerce for the first time or seeking to enhance your existing marketplace, Dokan is a plugin that empowers you to create a thriving online business ecosystem.

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Dokan is not compatible with WordPress multisite system but if you want to use it on a single subdomain of your multi-site installation then it can be possible. One Dokan plugin can be used on 1 database. That means you can activate the plugin only on one subsite. Multiple sub sites are not supported.
The Admin is unable to control it. The Vendor can utilize unlimited memory.
Dokan has two types of payment methods. One is the adaptive payment, and the other is the non-adaptive payment method. The Dokan Stripe Connect and Dokan Wirecard Connect are adaptive payment gateways. Those payment gateways are built-in modules in Dokan Pro, and those are available from the Dokan Professional package. Except for those, the rest of all WooCommerce payment gateways will act as a non-adaptive payment method. When a customer makes an order, the admin commission and the vendor earnings will split in real-time in the adaptive payment method. That means all processes will be done automatically.And, in the non-adaptive payment method, when a customer makes an order, the total order amount will go to the admin account. Vendors can see their earnings from the vendor frontend dashboard. Admin needs to set a minimum withdrawal limit for submitting a withdrawal request. When a vendor reaches that limit, he/she can send a withdrawal request to the admin. After that, the admin needs to approve the request and send vendor earnings manually to the respective withdrawal request account via PayPal or Bank Transfer. That means, in the non-adaptive payment method, all processes will be done manually.
Dokan has a vendor subscription module that allows admin to create subscription packages for vendors. If the admin wants he can limit product type through that package.
Yes, Dokan has Whatsapp live chat feature that allows live chat between vendors and customers.
It’s great if the store has a good amount of products and orders. But managing that store alone, it’s a bit difficult. But with the Dokan Vendor Staff Manager module it’s possible to allow vendors to add multiple staffs on their store where each of those staffs will get separate user IDs.
There are a total 4 live chat providers and 3 of them are free to use. But there is one live chat provider which is TalkJS and it requires additional cost.
Dokan doesn’t support the Multi Currency feature at this moment.

Original price was: $349.00.Current price is: $1.99.

Dokan Multivendor Marketplace WordPress Plugin - v3.11.3 | 10 July 2024
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Last Update:10 July 2024
Relased:23 December 2021
Brands Wedevs
License GPL License
Version 3.11.3
Tags: dokan , dokan pro , marketplace , multivendor , WooCommerce , WordPress ,